
Skills Improvement during Quarantine

I felt my quarantine experience both in Jakarta and also in Malang since I found my skills are improving because of this quarantine. As the novel coronavirus outbreaks around the world, people are forced to stay at home to reduce the spread of the virus and is also to applied to Indonesia. At first, I actually felt surprised and terrified when there was an increased number of people who are positive for Covid-19, especially I was already in Jakarta at that time. 

I went to Jakarta for a competition and also to visit my home there on March 13th, 2020. Indonesian Government already made a regulation for people to only stay at their home and keep our hands clean by washing our hands, so I didn't go to as much place as usual in Jakarta. On my third days in Jakarta, I decided to see my old junior high school friends in Depok. Actually, at first I felt nervous and overwhelmed by what the media portrayed about the virus. However, I keep saying to myself for always think positive, always wash my hand or not touch anything when I go out. So, yeah, I'm using my time with my junior high school friends and it also only lasted for 2 hours since we didn't want to be outside for so long. Things that I recognized about the roads situation in Jabodetabek was the traffic was not as poor as usual, it is a good thing which means most of people in Jakarta already obey the rules of stay at home. The next day and so on, I decided to stay at my home in Jakarta until I went back to Malang. During my quarantine in Jakarta, I found out that my reading skills improved. Luckily, I bring some of my book to Jakarta so I have more time to read all of those, because it seems like I always have no time to read a book in Malang. One of my favourite book that I've read called, "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down" by Haemin Sunim. The book is really amazing for self-improvement also for self-love for everyone! The book contains 8 chapters about life, love, friendship, failure and the readers are forced to read it slowly to reflect more on themselves. I've read it for 5 days and it enlightens me soooo much :') I do really love Haemin's writings because his words are really beautiful and he speaks to the reader in a clear way possible ❤️ The book is more like not telling people to do something, but it is more encouraging people to reflect more on themselves. The best message from this book is to make us realize to slow down from this busy world and be more aware our surroundings :) I can guarantee by reading this book can make your day a lovely one, promise!

Here are some of my favourite quotes from the book, 
“Don’t struggle to heal your wounds. Just pour time into your heart and wait. When your wounds are ready, they will heal on their own.”
“If someone looks perfect, then that is because you don’t know the person very well.”
“Your freedom is more important than money. It is better to live the kind of life you want than to earn more and be constrained. Don’t sell your freedom.”

On March 20th, I went back to Malang with my family and directly did self-quarantine in my home. I have already stayed at home in Malang for about 12 days and I found my another skill is improving too, which is my cooking skill. Despite doing the assignments from online class, to make me reduce my boredom and stress is through cooking. It was super fun to found a new recipe and directly try it in the kitchen :D I have cooked sauteed mushroom chicken, fried chicken, spaghetti bolognaise and fettucini carbonara. The process that still makes me remember is fettucini carbonara, since it is my first time to cook it but it's good actually! The ingredients are not really difficult, I will add a picture that contains the ingredients in it, and it also only took for 30 minutes!! It is soo easy just like making spaghetti bolognaise, guys! What makes it differ from spaghetti is the sauce, you don't have to cook for the fettucini sauce. In addition, when making pasta, the key is to cook it with the level pasta of being pasta al dente. It means when pasta is cooked al dente, it means that the level of pasta is soft but still chewy to bitten. I usually cook the pasta for 5-7 minutes to reach that pasta al dente and it works! So, here is some of my cooking activity that I have captured : 

To conclude, in react to the stay at home movement due to the novel coronavirus, I found it exciting yet also challenging being in the house for so long. However, it leads me to improving my skills and I'm really happy with that because it means I'm being productive. I think all we need to do while staying at home is to discover more about something that we like, because it might leads us to do positive activity and improving our skills. Just like what Haemin Sunim said, eventhough the worldd moves fast, but it doesn't mean we have to, it can also mean that it is a reminder from the world for us to take a rest. :) So, by this virus we need to slow down a little bit to reflect more in our life and be grateful for everything.



HAI FELLAS!;3 ganyangka loh ternyata udah april ajaa._. ohyaa anyway, di post ini gue mau ngepost tentang band dan penyanyi yang gue sukaa hehehe;D tentang sejarah gimana gue bisa suka sama mereka, &&&lagu22 recommended dari gue! kay lets check dis out~



Lenka Kripac! Yep, nama aslinya. Jadi, pertama kali gue suka sama Lenka itu........................................ garagara pertama kali gue beli majalah kawanku haha u,u waktu itu kira-kira sekitar november 2009, dan gue masih kelas 4 SD man-__- waktu itu kalo gasalah gue lagi nemenin mama beli majalah, trs gue ngeliat covernya kawanku ada cewe gitu meskipun waktu itu gue belom tau lenka itu siapa-_-v and after i bought it to home, ternyata lenka baru ngadain konser di jakartaaa, waktu itu sih gue masih makes no sense, biasa aja gitu, kaya bodo amat._. soalnya belom tau lenka siapa.... waktu browsing di youtube, lagu lenka pertama yang gue denger itu the show._. 

ASDFGHJKL. passs banget waktu itu, gue lgsg speechless, gue lgsg sukaa sama lenka! AIHHH jadi kangen 2009:''') *loh ini apa**abaikan* truss gue kasitau deh ke nadia tentang lenka..dan kata nadia, dia juga suka sama lenka!<3 AAA jadi yah semenjak itu, gue ulaang terus terus baca artikel tentang Lenka di Kawanku yang pertama gue beli ituu._. gue agak little heart attack loh waktu dulu ngulang22 baca artikel tentang lenka yg di kawanku.. soalnya gue baru tau tentang lenka sedangkan dia udah ngadain konser disini huhu

 2 tahun berlalu, yak, tahun 2011 tiba. Di pertengahan tahun, gue sempet tuh ya denger berita tentang Lenka mau dateng ke Jakarta, aduuh waktu itu gue hopeless parah, frustasi(?)-_- gimana ngga frustasi, announcement tiketnya diumumin sebulan sebelum konsernya dilaksanain. gue kan belom persiapan, belom nabung, macam-macemlah. Yaudah, waktu itu......gue pasrah, gue nyerahin semuanya ke yang diatas....biar semuanya Dia atur, Dia tau yang terbaik buat gue kok:')sosweet abis-_-
Tapi sebenernya.......jauh didalem lubuk hati gue yang paliiiiing dalem._. gue sebenernya masih ga terima:') iyapp, gue masih ga terima gabisa nonton Lenka live:'''( ah galau deh hauakkak. Tapi bener kan apa yang gue bilang sodara-sodara! Keajaiban emang bakal selalu dateng ke orang yang tepattt:'''') waktu itu, H-2 sebelum konser Lenka dilaksanain di Jakarta, gue ikut kuis Tiket Lenka........ dan..................*jengjengjengjeng*

LO TAU APA??????


sumpah, waktu itu. gue liat mention dari @pakatmo, account yang bikin kuisnya, gue liat mentionnya waktu sekolah. gue bilang ke Antya, Kamal, Annisa, Ridho... kalo gue menang kuis dapetin tiket Lenka :'''')
Aduuh sumpah i am beyond happy at that time, even words cant describe how happy I am omggg:''')

You should read my story about Lenka's concert in 5th Oct, 2011, here! Lenka's Concert in Indonesia <

My Lenka's Recommended Song:
1. We Will Not Grow Old
2. The Show
3. Trouble is a Friend
4. Blinded by Love *buat yang suka galau, ini pas bgt haha ;p*
5. Heart Skips a Beat


this band is actually my favorite one too! and theyre actually an irish band! aww;3 Mereka beranggotakan Danny O'Donoghue, Mark Sheehan *the botak one wakaka*, sama Glen Power! 
What is the reason you like them, lik? I love them, because, they made a song, from the heart, and truly, mostly all of their song, the lyrics are quite deep ya know._. gue dengerin the script pertama kali waktu gue kelas 4 kalo gasalah._. waktu itu gue jaman-jamannya galauin itu, ah anak kecil kok bisa galau ya, gue juga heran-_- udah udah cerita lama gausah diinget-inget._. gue pertama kali denger the man who cant be moved.... pertama kali denger suaranya danny, gue langsng bilang dalem hati, "kayanya gue bakalan suka sama mereka sampe tahun-tahun kedepan deh" dan.................damn its true! sampe sekarang, gue masiiih bgtbgt suka dengerin lagu merekaa. Mereka juga sempet loh ke Indo, tapi gue gabisa nonton:( soalnya yang boleh nonton cuma yang diatas 18tahun doang huhuhu galau :'( Tapi i believe kok, someday I'll meet you guys, someday I can watch you guys live in a concert singing the man who cant be moved.. yeah somedayy:'')

My The Scripts's Recommended Songs *for galauersss!* haha;D
1. The Man Who Cant Be Moved
2. If You Ever Come Back
3. Breakeven

gue gatanggung jawab atas segala efek galau yang ditimbulkan dari lagu-lagunya the script ;p


pertama kali gue suka sama train itu.. waktu gue kelas 4 SD.. huahaha udah lama bgt._. lagu pertaama yang gue denger itu, hey soul sister. gue langsung kesihir gitu deh sama suaranya patrick monahan *o* trs langsung deh gue ngecek ke youtubee, ternyata videonya keren jugaa. semacam stopmotion gtt~ semenjak itu, gue tiap hari jadi dengerin hey soul sister muluu._. its like that song is stuck in my headdd. eh tahun berganti tahun, tahun 2011 lalu mereka udah konser ke Indonesia.. kalo gasalah tanggal 5 Desember.. Dan sayangnya gue ngelewatin kesempatan emas ituu astagaah ;___; Iyap, soalnya waktu itu orangtua lagi naik haji, dan gue juga udah nonton showcasenya greyson-_- jadi yah.. maybe someday i'll watch them live :')

and hey! you guys should listen to Marry Me and Hey Soul Sister (this is my songs of the year ahaha;p)!



Pertama kali gue tau cody simpson itu dari Nadia. Yap, nadia ngasitau kalo ada new singers from aussie named cody simpson, tapi biasa si nadia, dia ngasitau kalo videonya cody yang iYiYi itu floridanya ngomongnya kaya kumur-kumur-_,- tapi waktu gue cek videonya, emang bener sih wuahaha-_-
Tapi waktu liat videonya yang lain, gue sadar...... cody itu kece banget...................................:| 

Nama lengkapnya itu Cody Robert Simpson, dari Australia, ulangtahunnya tanggal 11 Januari 1997. Dia punya adek namanya Alli, Alli juga kece parah sumpah._. rambutnya cody sama alli tuh sama-sama blonde, waktu ngestalk instagramnya cody sama alli, disitu ya..... rambut mereka itu udah stunning bgt deh.. speechless ngeliatnya-_- Trus sahabat-sahabat dia dari aussie, namanya Jake Thrupp, Campbell Carsley, sama Josh Winnington itu emang sih ya orang aussie ganteng22 banget sumpah deh gabong:| jadi pengen ke aussie, goldcoast tepatnya;;) 

Tapi..... sayang banget cody belom ngadain tour ke Indonesia.. eh tapi gapapa deng.. tahun depan ajaa;;) biar guenya bisa nabung duluu haha-_-v

My Cody Simpson's Recommended Songs! :
1. iYiYi
2. Don't Cry Your Heart Out
3. On My Mind
4. Over The Rainbow (cover) *i love this one so friggin muchhh!*
5. So Listen



Greyson Michael Chance! AAAAAAA~#fangirling :p Gue pertama kali tau cowo dari oklahoma ini dari youtube._. jadi gue lagi iseng22 browsing aja gitu, trus ada recommended videosnya Greyson yang paparazzi, kalo gasalah waktu itu gue nontonnya waktu tahun 2010 trus ya gue browsing videonya yang lain, yang judulnya wotl udah keluaar, jadi ya gue jadi enchancer (sebutan fansnya greyson) sejak akhir tahun 2010;D dari youtube itu juga gue tau kalo greyson jago main pianonya, itu deh yang bikin plusplusnya. 

Tahun 2011 kemaren, Greyson ngadain showcase pertamanya di Indonesia, beruntungnya gue dateng ke showcase ituuuu aaa:'''') Mau baca lebih lanjut tentang showcase greysonnya? GREYSON CHANCE'S SHOWCASE IN INDONESIA

Tahun berganti menjadi tahun 2012.. Gue inget banget tweetnya Greyson yang bilang "How about Indonesia? I'll be back very soon!" 

VERY SOON...........................
jleb._. seneng gue waktu itu, seneeeng banget. even words cant describe how excited i am at that time.
Februarinya, ada berita gitu dari @marygopsstudios kalo mereka promotornya Greyson........................
eh sumpah ya gue speechless abis men....... masalagnya marygops itu mahal bgt kalo jual tiket:(
dan ternyata beneer, yang paling mahaal 1juta.. udah pasti gue gadibolehin kan ya.. yaudah, waktu itu gue cuma bisa ngeikhlasin ajaa, pasrah.. nerima gabakal nonton greyson;''')

Eh.. waktu hari Hnya konser greyson... gue menang kuis dari @kompasforum.. tauga perasaan gue waktu itu apa?

speechless.gapercayaa.seneng parah.sujud syukur(?)
ahiyaa sumpah deh seneng banget! gabisa diungkapin kata22 akhirnya gue bisa nonton greyson lagi;')

yang gue heraan, daridulu kalo ikut kuis yaa ga selalu menang sih, tapi ya rata-rata menang teruus._.

Nanti deh ya abis post ini gue kasitau lagi tentang konsernya greyson kemaren 20april:)


Yap! One Direction! Band dari UK yang sekarang lagi eksis bgtttt;33 Anggotanya itu Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson sama Liam Payne! 5-5nya berasal dari audisi X Factor :) awalnya mereka solo sendiri22 gitu, tapi jurinya, simon cowell bilang kalo mereka cocok dijadiin 1 band gitu. Jadi mereka tanggal 23 juli 2010 resmi tuh One Direction kebentuk ;") gue pertama kali suka sama One Direction itu.. waktu pertengahan tahun 2011, juli 2011.. belom terlalu lama kan yaa._. waktu itu pertama kali tau One Direction dari banyaknya account directioners di Indonesia kayak @1DirectionIndo, jadi ya muncul rasa kepo dari diri gue-_- buat nyari mereka di youtube, gue pertama kali ngeliat video mereka waktu di X Factor, Video Diary, aaah flashback;'''') trus gue dengerin deh what makes you beautiful.. soalnya waktu juli itu gue inget bgt videonya wmyb belom jadi-_-v trus ngefollow semua account twitter the boooys:'} sampe sekarang gue masih suka sama merekaaa, i'll keep supporting them deh sampe kapaanpun. yaa gue janji:'3 

My 1D's Recommended Songs:
1. One Thing
2. I wish
3. save you tonight
4. More than this
5. Forever Young
6. Na Na Na
7. Everything About You

Okaay segitu dulu yaap;) next post i'll post about greyson's concert on 20april teheheh;'3


J.R.A. - By Chance (You & I)

Jadi tadi tuh sebenernya tadi gue lagi browsing di youtube aja tentang video-video One Direction Video Diary, abis ngeliat video diary mereka..........................gue langsung mikir, i cant help with this addiction, i got one direction affection ;p. especially with Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson haha ;p
nahnah trs kan ada recommended videos gt kalo gasalah titlenya itu "One Direction's Ex Girlfriend" ._. langsung ada heart attack gt gue-_,- yaudahdeh gue buka........................jleb..... sosweet prhh.-. tapi masalahnya bukan disitu.. tapi backsound videonya itu........ ENAK PARAH WOYYYY ANJIR ASDFGHJKLLLL Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀щ) 
Itu baru pertama kali gue denger lagu-yang-gue-gatau-judulnya-tapi-enak-parah itu, &&& berharap di commentnya ada yang tau......................................EH TERNYATA EMANG ADA YANG TAU JUDUL LAGUNYA APAAN SUBHANALLAH BANGET KAN :'''') dan judulnya itu By Chance atau You and I, dinyanyiin sama J.R.A, *ini gue gatau namanya siapa.-.* langsung deh gue search keywordsnya di youtube, dan emang bener, gue langsung cengo abis-abisan. speechless. lebay yak-_-
lo semua harus denger lagu-yang-gue-baru-tau-yang-enak-parah ini, lets check this out!

Girl, you just caught my eye
thought I should give it a try
and get your name and your number
go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers

I don't know why.
But you're smilin' and it's something' I like
on your face, yeah it suits you
Girl, we connect like we have bluetooth

I don't know why
I'm drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?
And this is all based on a lucky chance
that you would rather add than subtract

You and I
could be like Sonny and Cher
honey and bears
You and I
could be like Aladdin and Jasmine
lets make it happen

La La's

How've you been?
I know that it's been awhile.
Are you tired 'cause you've been on my mind
runnin' thousand and thousands of miles
Sorry, I know that line's outta style
but you
you look so beautiful on this starry night
[ From: ]
loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes and your 
I'm captivated
your beauty is timeless never outdated

I don't know why
I'm drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?
and this is all based on a lucky chance
that you would rather add than subtract

You and I 
could be like Sonny and Cher
Honey and bears 
you and i could be like Aladdin and Jasmine lets make 
it happen 

La La's 

It's been 5 years since that special day
when I asked you on our first date
I guess it's safe to say

You and I 
are better than Sonny and Cher
Honey and bears 
You and I
Are better than Aladdin and Jasmine 
We've made it happen


Let me say
You look so beautiful on our wedding day 

ASDFGHJKL, you have to know....... this stong is stuck in my head nowww!! anjir enak parah! Pokonya buat yang nyiptain lagu ini, dan buat J.R.A *gue gatau namanya-_-* thanku for making sodamn amazing music:'')


What I Want!

THIS. take a look at this post. some stuffs I want. Oh gawd, please somebody buy me all of this they're all so flawless :''>

Oh God, the mustache!!!!!!!! u,u 

I fvcking really want this! badly! 

Batmaan *swingg swinggg* 

Spongebob Squarepants~~ 




asdfghjkl, HARRY POTTER!

Cool story bro. You should tell that at parties 

Pretty Damn Sure, Somebody. buy me some of this u,U