their reaction from facebook...
their reaction from blackberry messenger...
their reaction from twitter...
MD radio sampe tau gue suka sama siapa. miris-_-
the most favorite words from him ({})
"jangan sedih lagi ya oke...."
ngefly mamen gue ke langit ketujuh inimah ya!!!! susah turunnya yaAllaaah~~~~~
ada 1 lagi, ini foto-fotonya isi quotes gitu deh ya, ngambil dari tumblr, mewakili perasaan gue deh pokoknya wkwkwk
hey hey, there's some quotes taken by some accounts from twitta!
I'm sorry if sometimes I get a little jealous, thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could -@DamnTeenQuote
I text you, you dont text back, I feel stupid -@DamnTeenQuote
I love when you text me first. It reminds me that sometimes you really do think about me -@DamnTeenQuote
You know he's something special when no matter what kind of mood you're in, he can always manage to make you smile -@MileyJustinDemi
Everytime I think of you I get tha biggest smile on my face and yet. You still don't understand how much you mean to me. -@ohteenquotes
Gue syg sama lo udh itu aja. Gue ga berharap lebih gue cuman mau lo syg juga sama gue -@fayearab
cemburu itu wajarkan , setiap orang bisa cemburu karena orang yang disayanginya -@BACOTANSUKASUKA
and i try to make some quotes..hehe
Cewek kadang bisa seneng banget pas disapa sama org yg dia suka. Malah bisa sampe jingkrak2 sangking senengnya. -@AlikaZahira
I want to be the girl you fall for, when everybody else is falling for you. -@AlikaZahira
Right from the start I knew, you'd be the one that my heart unstole. I never thought I got a second chance at love, I never thought i got a second chance at us. -@AlikaZahira
btw...gue ada 1 pesen buat kalian yang beruntung udah mau baca post ini, karena skrg lagi bulan puasa, gue saranin lo doa apapun ke Allah... beneran.. gue iseng doa ttg ini-_- eh dikabulin masa.. soalnya wkt itu mama gue bilang, "biasanya kalo orang doa di bulan puasa sering di ijabah" nah sekarang giliran kalian cemans cemans :)
Makasih banget banget, buat semuanya, Khaidar! Antya, Wulan, Nada, Alda, Tia, yang udah bantuin gueeee makasiiih banget yaa, gue gatau harus bales pake apa selain pj wkwkkw intinya, gue seneeeeng banget semoga kita langgeng terus ya sayaaaanggg :3333
from 120811, i'm efri's!
n.b: btw..dapet kabar kalo sasha-johan putus....gak...gaboleh kejadi...sasha bilangnya yg mutusin johan. ANJIR si johan begoooo mutusin cewe secantik sasha-_- dan yg terakhir.....kak fasha and boyfriend... that shouldn't be happening :'( jujur gue sediih, mereka udah loyal, kenapa harus putuss? gue doain balikan yah amiiin o:)
Selamat ya yang punya pacar baru :) hehe