
end of october!

finally, udah tanggal 31 oktober aja ya. dan besok november, makin deket ke ulangtaun ayah gue! tapi, lagi-lagi gue ga ngerayain dan gak ditraktir juga ulangtaun ayah sama mama:(:( mereka lagi haji......tauga perasaan anak yang ditinggal haji? sepi woy, gue kangen di suruh22 mandi sama mama -_- kangen curhat, gue telfon ke arab hpnya kok ganyambung ya? aneh, emg kalo ke luar negri gt gmn sih kalo mau nelfon?._.

i realize, i hate october, soooo much. gue udah lama gak galau, jadi galau segalau-galaunya, garagara lo... iya, elo, orang yang tiba-tiba dateng ke hidup gue, 18.18, dan ternyata, lo itu fake giver hope! pemberi harapan palsu:( gue inget the day waktu lo ngelempar bole ke muka gue, then u just ask me to forgive you, lo pasti gatau kan a little things from you can change my day from a dark sky into a rainbow? jelas, lo gatau.. dan gue pst bakalan inget hari itu terus..:) 1 thing, i love the way you call my name btw.. haha:(

1 hari setelah ldk, gue itu boleh dibilang, NGEFLY banget, lo doang yg bikin gue ngefly:( you do write my name in your twitter, and i still remember the single word of our chat in bbm:( infact? lo balikan, ya. sama mntn lo. mungkin kalo lo jadi gue, apa yang lo rasain? waktu orang yang lo suka lg pdkt sama lo, jadiannya bukan sama lo, tapi malah balikan lagi sama mantannya? HAHA, waktu itu jg gue udah lemes, ancuur bgt, nangis, cuma gara-gara 1 orang. gue capek berlagak sok tegar. dan, jatuh cinta diam-diam itu emang gak selamanya enak, kawan :)

this picquotes from tumblr is oh just like me :D

some quotes from @DamnItsTrue, sooo relates to my life:D

 is to pretend you dont care when its killing you inside.

 watch the one you love, love someone else.

 in the world is to pretend I don't love somebody anymore.

I wanna be the reason he fell asleep with the phone in his hand because he was waiting for my reply.

I always wonder is he waiting for me to talk to him, like I'm waiting for him to talk to me?

I just want someone. Someone I can call my own. I'm not desperate, I'm just tired of being alone.

dan quotes dr gue, yg emg gue bgt._.

I'm mean and I admit it. But that's just the only way to get your attention, to be mean. 

I could only smile see you with her, eventho this heart is crying:)

cewe itu ga salah, gaada yg salah, guanya aja yg lebay sampe nangis ngegalau :'D

It's amazing how you can be having the worst day, but you see him & all of the sudden, all of your problems are gone. 

It seems impossible to be with you, like reaching the sky but, I stuck between the stars.

I wish you knew how much I'm scared to see you fall inlove with someone else.

galau ya gue? iya, tapi guenya gaboleh ngedown terus22an kan ya? harus semangat lagi :)

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